About the Foundation

Formerly known as the Gord Laurie Foundation, which was established in 2012  to enhance our community life, build partnerships, and foster growth.  After 10 years of successfully raising funds and giving back to the community the foundation has made some changes to make giving easier. There was a belief that there was something more we could collectively do together. This change was driven by the principle that “Little by little a little does a lot, a Tanzanian Proverb”.  Some people give dollars, because it is easier than time, and of course, for tax purposes.  Some give because of a feeling of corporate social responsibility for our brands.  Some have been in situations where others gave freely to them, and they want to pay it forward.  Some want to leave a legacy for others in the community.

We are inviting you to give 1 percent, 1% of your time, 1% of your wage, 1% of your talents to assist those in need within our own community. 

We also built out legally our 4 commitments of the foundation.  They are:

Funds entrusted will support educational, recreational and cultural purposes to assist, encourage and promote the well-being of our local communities. 100% of all funds raised go into our local community!